To update your profile and settings in CRM2Print, please follow the steps below:

  1. Postcode and Country (required)

To update your postcode and country, please follow these steps: 
  • Go to your profile account by clicking the  icon located at the upper right-hand corner of your screen.
  • Click Settings then scroll down to the Address section. 
  • Enter your postcode and select your country on the dropdown menu beside the postcode box.
  • Hit save to update your profile.

       2.  Update Contact details (for technical enquires)
  • Go to your profile account by clicking the  icon located at the upper right-hand corner of your screen.
  • Click Settings. 
  • Under the Contact Details tab, enter your company name (if applicable) and phone number. 

  • Hit save to update your profile.
    3.  Update Billing Details 
            (For typical Rex integration, this is the only thing that needs to be set up)    

  • Go to your profile account by clicking the  icon located at the upper right-hand corner of your screen.
  • Click Settings. 
  • Under Credit Card Details tab, enter your card number, full name on card, month and year of card expiry, and your card’s CVC. 
  • Click ‘Add Card’ button then hit save to update your profile.