1. 1. How Often Should I Direct Mail?
      • This really depends on the number of other contact points you have with your audience. Some businesses use a mix of SMS, Email, Direct Mail and telephone calls, where others simply direct mail on a monthly basis. The ideal frequency is whatever keeps you top of mind and shows you adding value to your audience.

      • 2. What should I send by Direct Mail?
        • The reason direct mail is still one of the most effective forms of marketing is that it cuts through a lot of the noise. People get, on average less than 10 letters per week. Compare that to the number of e-mails, letterbox flyers, phone calls and so on, and it's easy to see why people still respond to this medium. Our clients send a variety of letters via mail. It can be market updates, newsletters, just sold and just listed letters, community notices. Even thank you letters for attending an open home. Another popular option is to send a letter on the anniversary of someone moving in to their home. Of course, for property management, there are also rental statements and so on that require physically mailing. For B2B users, invoices still get paid on time more when they are received in the mail, and releases of new products or staff updates get a higher response when a physical letter is sent out. These are just some of the ways businesses are using direct mail in their marketing and transaction activities.

      • 3. Where can I get more addresses from?
        • There are many different ways to collect more addresses to mail to. These range from simply profiling a street and noting down all of the house numbers in each street, through to spending some money with a list broker to purchase a database for an area. If you are looking to market to businesses, that can be a bit easier through the use of online directories and trade directories. Either way, it’s important to ensure you are aware of, and stick to the guidelines of Privacy Principles: https://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy-law/privacy-act/australian-privacy-principles or the respective laws in your state or country. There are also companies that provide leads, such as home buyers or active sellers: www.nexu.com.au and are also able to be deployed directly through CRM2PRINT.